SOJA Project
- 2005-03-14 initial commit for source code.
- Plan to complete the complete the BeanCookie and make test case runnable in this month
org.soja.core features
- SOJA is general framework based on Java 5, By using the JSR 175 annotation, to provide a component based, model driven application framework.
- Soja's Cookie framework provide a API and mechanism for annotate new behavior to exists javabeans.
- Soja's Beans framework. an extensions to J2SE java.beans API, support annotation based bean model, also provide more enhance features such as hierarchy structure, dynamic property/method(like JMX DynamicMBean or ModelMBean).
- Soja's Bean Registry. support assembler components and dependency injection. using JAXB2 to serial any POJO in a hierarchy registry.
- Soja's Annotation framework, introduce annotations to beans via XML. any annotation can be introduce to any beans(including bootstrap classes)
- Soja support using OSGi framework as a bundle/plugin base.
planed sub projects
- org.soja.web project
- org.soja.rcp project